Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Upcoming Event: GIGANTIC Street Theatre Eruption

On Thursday, October 16th, there will be a GIGANTIC street theatre event happening all throughout college hill, and I really need your help with it.

THE MISSION: To line every major street around Brown's campus with a total of 100 street performers - at least three performers (or groups of performers) per block, maybe even more. Performers will be doing anything from playing an instrument, to reading poetry, to doing yoga poses, to blowing bubbles. (See below for more examples). The event will be 1/2 hour in length, starting at 5:00pm and ending at 5:30pm. It will be big, and surprising, and joyful, and utopian. It will require a very minimal time commitment.

WHY: This event falls into that category of art that tries to show what's possible. It is about exploring and presenting the possibilities laden in our own streets. What if the streets were completely filled with performers one day? Not just one or two, but 50 or even 100 of them? What if, out of nowhere, the streets around campus transformed into a giant theater? A giant theater that was totally accessible, totally inclusive, and totally free of charge? Who's to say these things can't happen?

This event might seem idealistic, and it is, but it's not naive. If we stop imagining the world as it can be, then, in a way, we give up on changing it.

WHAT CONSTITUTES PERFORMANCE: every person, no matter how little or how much he or she is involved in theatre, can take part in this event. There are infinite kinds of performances. I'll list some here, but if you want to do something that I don't mention, feel free!
- sing
- play an instrument
- beat box
- break dance
- swing dance
- tango
- juggle
- perform magic
- clown
- mime
- be a human statue
- do improv
- whistle
- perform a monologue
- perform a play
- recite poetry
- dribble a basketball in cool ways
- balance something on your head
- do yoga
- do karate moves (but not on pedestrians)
- rap
- paint
- draw
- sculpt
- carve wood
- knit
- cook
- twirl a baton, or some other object
- do origami
- make a duct tape wallet
- impersonate celebrities
- interpretive dance
- jump rope
- pose in interesting ways
- tell jokes
- operate a puppet
- blow bubbles using only your saliva
- turn an everyday object into a musical instrument and play it
- tap dance
- dance in any way you can imagine
- wiggle your ears

A FEW NOTES: This event is not intended to be hostile or aggressive. Performers will be allowed to do almost anything, but they will not be allowed to attack pedestrians in any way, or do anything illegal.

WHO'S IN CHARGE: This event is being organized by EXP, a theatre collective which seeks to produce unlikely performance art events that defy the traditional limits of theatre. For more information on EXP, visit The members of the collective will hold two meetings leading up to the event, which will be used to explain the details of it even more. The first is on Tuesday October 7th at 6:30pm in Wilson 101. You must attend that meeting to participate as a performer. If for whatever reason you cannot, but still really want to perform, email saying so. Again, this will require a MINIMAL TIME COMMITMENT.

YOUR NEXT STEP: If you want to be part of this marvelously GIGANTIC street theatre event, please show up to the meeting that EXP is hosting on Tuesday October 7th at 6:30pm in Wilson 101. It will be brief, but very informative. Also, if you have any questions about the event, direct them to

We need 100 people to get involved. Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in helping out!

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